What is Transfer on Death (TOD)
Transfer on Death is a designation that allows an asset, such as a vehicle, to pass directly to a named beneficiary upon the owner’s death. The main benefit of TOD is that it avoids the lengthy and costly probate process, allowing your vehicle to transfer quickly and privately to your chosen heirs.
How Does TOD Work?
Designating Beneficiaries: You choose one or more beneficiaries for your vehicle No Immediate Transfer: While you’re alive, you maintain full control of the vehicle Upon Death: When you pass away, the Vehicle is transferred directly to your named beneficiary, bypassing probate.
Why Should You Consider TOD?
Avoid Probate: The most significant benefit of TOD is that it bypasses probate. Simplicity: Adding or changing a TOD beneficiary is usually a simple process just sign the back of the registration. Control: You maintain control of the vehicle during your lifetime. Privacy: Unlike a will, which becomes a public document after probate, TOD transfers are private.
How to Set Up TOD Designations?
- Review Your Assets
- Contact Your Financial Institutions
- Consult a Professional
Transfer on Death is an effective, straightforward way to ensure your assets pass smoothly to your loved ones after your death, without the complications of probate. If you have questions about TOD or want help, feel free to reach out to us at: www.bmv.vi.gov.
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